Thursday, March 29, 2012


9:20am - breakfast today is an apple with a couple oz of cheese, and some goji berry white tea. I needed a bit of a change this morning, which means I need to have a shake mixed with water for a later snack today.

11:30am - snack - laughing cow "sundried tomato and mozzarella" cheese wedge with 1/2 serving of wheat thins

2:20pm - 6oz chicken breast with a little bit of guac

5:00pm - slice of processed cheeselike product. i was weak *hangs head in shame*

6:32pm - need a real snack. I'm pretty sure i'm a little behind on the day. may finish the other half serving of wheat thins and another wedge of cheese. that is not a terrible caloric value snack, surprisingly.

7:00pm - rioja. man, i need this. so delicious.

8:00pm - dinner - 4oz chicken, marinated & baked. half a bag of Bird's Eye brussels sprouts. however the hell they are spelled. jason had a couple more than me, but it was roughly half.

9:30pm - red table wine. yum. and water. i'm done for the night, save the rest of this glass, and water.

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