I need a better routine for my blog time!!!
So I haven't checked in since Day 4 of p90x ... but I promise you, loyal followers, that I have been working my tush off!! Day 4 was Yoga, which rocked my socks. Day 5 was Legs & Back, + ab ripper. One of these days I will be able to do Ab Ripper without flopping about like a fish out of water!!! As for now ... that's what I end up looking like on some of the exercises (oblique v-ups anyone...). Day 6 was Kenpo, which I really enjoyed. I think I'm going to get some weighted gloves between now and Saturday, as that disc isn't really conducive to a handheld weight.
Last night was Day 8 - Core Synergistics for the 2nd time. This was SO much easier without having to do the fit test ahead of time, wowza! We made it through the entire disc, only going "over" by 7 minutes - pauses to rest and recover some HR. Tonight is Cardio - wooooo!!! BRING IT!!!
Digressing from exercise to diet/nutrition .... we're still doing a lot of "winging it" on the meal plan. I'm targeting 1600-1800cal per day intake, with a 50% protein, 25% carbs, 25% fat breakdown. I'm not quite there on my percentages .... still taking in too many carbs, but I am (with some work) getting more protein into my diet. Jason is working on the 2400cal plan, and is struggling to get UP to that many "good" calories each day. He is planning to pick up some protein powder over the weekend, and is hoping to get closer to the 2400cal mark, while increasing his protein levels too.
Planning is getting easier, and measuring isn't as big of a deal as it was last week. "New" meals are still a little more time-intensive, but aren't terrible. I'm learning with every meal. Going to have to make time on Sundays to cook up a variety of chicken breasts for the week, I think. Fish is quick and easy, as are veggies and rice/quinoa.
Speaking of planning, it's time to put the turkey breast in the oven to roast! That will be dinner tonight and probably tomorrow too :)
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