My amazing and wonderful roomie kicked off the idea of boot camp to get us going, to keep us motivated, and for general badassery. Okay perhaps I made up the last one. But it stays. So deal with it.
This is week 2 of my first boot camp style workout ever. I slugged it through 2 months of P90X. This kicks P90's ass like there's no tomorrow. How, might you say? NO PAUSE BUTTON. None. Did you catch that? NONE. On the "pro" side ... the people are nice, the instructor is encouraging and flexible, and it's a positive atmosphere. I ran for the first time in a solid 15 years. it sucked. I walked some. But last night, 3 laps around the church parking lot. Was I the very last one in? Yep. But I ran the whole thing. Okay, by ran, I really mean jogged, but it was more than a walk, and I kept going until I was done. My knees feel it today. I'm going to be picking up a joint supplement to help out... but I'm not sure if it's just atrophy or actual joint. Either way, my joints won't dislike having some supplements!
Food.... ah food. I'm changing which carbs I eat. Always horrible. Trying to get more protein in my life, which might be more of a challenge. Oh, and getting back to my routine of eating throughout the day on a schedule, to keep the "fire" burning so to speak.
AAAAAH! So much to do!!
Oh - and today's title is brought to you by Camp Gladiator ;)
Yes! Your general badassery quotient just went up!