Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I got narc'd out.

My dearest Gretchen, this is for you!!!

It has been awfully quiet around here. Vacation happened, and we've been getting back in the swing of things. We were out of town for 10 days, and basically picked back up at the start of the partial week that we were in prior to leaving. So, this is week 10 (minus the two weeks off).

It's been a little rough getting back into it, even though we were not supremely gluttonous on vacation. We did have some adult beverages, and some good food though. Jason has seen more results overall than I have, so I think he's all "I'm ahead of the game, I can slack a bit" ... which makes it harder for me, on top of the fact that I haven't seen as big a change as he has. Sigh. Just a little frustrating.


Back to it. Last night I was weak, and we skipped chest/arms/tris. Tonight is cardio. I will be doing cardio, whether he joins me or not. I have serious bicycle withdrawal, and may entertain schedule modifications to get in some generic riding around the neighborhood as a supplement to the P90X plan. I'm also doing some reading on stand-up paddling, and will be giving that a whirl in a couple weeks (more to come there, supposed to be core city!).

Diet is still relatively boring, lots of chicken boobies and veggies and wild rice, Shakeology in the mornings. More cheating with frozen delight for lunch than I prefer, but work has been such a madhouse lately that it is hard to carve out the time to make a simple healthy lunch. One more thing to work toward!!! :)

Speaking of work, back to the grind ...

Holy smokes .. I forgot the most important part.  I had to spend $170 on new clothes before vaca because I SHRANK OUT OF MY OTHER CLOTHES. 9 lbs officially gone (I was down 10, but found one, grrrr). Haven't done measurements / pics though.