Monday, September 10, 2012

New gadgetry always helps, right?

I'm talking my way into buying an iPod nano with which to do worky-outy things. This makes sense, right? Perhaps in some parallel universe? Seems like they can do tracking with Nike+ apps, maybe mapmyride, and weigh much less than a phone. I miss my bicycle. I miss being active.

Plus I love food (and beer) too much to not be active.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


It seems my workout partner didn't survive the vacation-break, and is all but done with P90X. As of right now, we've renegotiated cardio 3x/week, and I snuck in a "core" activity this weekend disguised as fun (stand up paddling).

Just when I was starting to see the scale move.

*Update* Gretchen to the rescue!! August CORE Challenge!!! GO!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I got narc'd out.

My dearest Gretchen, this is for you!!!

It has been awfully quiet around here. Vacation happened, and we've been getting back in the swing of things. We were out of town for 10 days, and basically picked back up at the start of the partial week that we were in prior to leaving. So, this is week 10 (minus the two weeks off).

It's been a little rough getting back into it, even though we were not supremely gluttonous on vacation. We did have some adult beverages, and some good food though. Jason has seen more results overall than I have, so I think he's all "I'm ahead of the game, I can slack a bit" ... which makes it harder for me, on top of the fact that I haven't seen as big a change as he has. Sigh. Just a little frustrating.


Back to it. Last night I was weak, and we skipped chest/arms/tris. Tonight is cardio. I will be doing cardio, whether he joins me or not. I have serious bicycle withdrawal, and may entertain schedule modifications to get in some generic riding around the neighborhood as a supplement to the P90X plan. I'm also doing some reading on stand-up paddling, and will be giving that a whirl in a couple weeks (more to come there, supposed to be core city!).

Diet is still relatively boring, lots of chicken boobies and veggies and wild rice, Shakeology in the mornings. More cheating with frozen delight for lunch than I prefer, but work has been such a madhouse lately that it is hard to carve out the time to make a simple healthy lunch. One more thing to work toward!!! :)

Speaking of work, back to the grind ...

Holy smokes .. I forgot the most important part.  I had to spend $170 on new clothes before vaca because I SHRANK OUT OF MY OTHER CLOTHES. 9 lbs officially gone (I was down 10, but found one, grrrr). Haven't done measurements / pics though.

Monday, June 18, 2012

6 weeks down!

The tragedy of all tragedies has occurred: we are out of Shakeology!! My normal auto-ship will go out this Thursday. BUT .... my impatient ass ordered more today anyway. It should be here probably Thursday, I'm guessing. In the meantime, I picked up some Muscle Milk protein mix at the grocery store ... it is SO not the same. Less flavor, less goodies ... lower carbs, but meh overall. It is better with milk than water, but is still lacking and watery in general.

Now, onto the workout part. We've completed 6 weeks of workouts, meaning this is our last "normal" week of phase 2 before the off-week. I can't say I will be sorry to see Chest/Shoulders/Triceps leave the normal repertoire .... all the pushups are really hard on my wrist. Which reminds me, I want to get stands this week to at least make the last bit of it easier. I'm also assuming there will be some pushups/chest/upperbody workout in phase 3 of P90X, which will help me to justify the purchase haha.

Results, you ask? am I seeing them?  Well sorta. I've managed to "regress" in my eating, down to ~1300-1400 cal/day, but I'm not feeling hungry at any point. I've dropped 5lbs overall since starting, and am seeing more of a difference in how clothes are fitting, especially around my waistline. We didn't do measurements on day 28 as we were supposed to ... I think I'll take some before we go on our vacation whirlwind at the end of the month.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tuesday - day 30

So it seems our weekend foodie-adventures caught up with us yesterday. We were not as cautious with our portions, and it was all we could do yesterday to "feel" sated. Nonetheless, workout prevailed. I cooked up several chicken breasts, so hopefully this week will be relatively easy. There's also a pork tenderloin that needs to be cooked up, but I don't know that I will get to it today. Guess I can find things to do with it today, so I can cook it up tomorrow. By the way, shredded pork tenderloin nuked and on a salad is delicious!! (that was lunch yesterday)

Tonight's workout - cardio! Sure wish my joints didn't feel like they were giving out on me. Jumping jacks, running in place, anything with pounding on the knees is a no-go. Modify, modify, modify. *sigh* Speaking of modifications, I'm slowly getting better on my pushup type modifications. Downward dog is still a bit of a debacle, because of the angle between the ground and my arms. Using my chintzy little 2lb weights as handles is helping me. Now I have to remember to rotate my hands in, so my fingers point forward, instead of having my wrists face each other.

Monday, June 4, 2012

4 weeks down!

So here we are, at the start of week 5. It's so bizarre, our workouts are in the evenings, so it's like "free" time during the day.

We completed the first four weeks of P90X, and neither killed ourselves or anyone else. We did a little bit of "celebrating" this weekend, with some wine and some homemade pork tenderloin raviolis. Not completely great, but not a complete bender! It was a great weekend. I think we could have scaled our portions back a little bit, but I wasn't miserable from it - thank goodness.

Going into week 5, we will have photos and measurements tonight before core synergistics. I'm excited to get back to our "normal" routine of workouts, though I think we are "losing" shoulders/arms for the next 3 weeks. I did like that workout, and will likely sneak it in here and there - I would love to have some nice arms, even if they're not super beefy. I am not seeing much difference in weight, but am feeling a bit of change in the fit of my clothes - one step at a time!

The meals are much easier now than they were ... though we're still not doing a ton of cooking on the weekend to prepare for the week. I'm cooking up a lot of chicken oo ies tonight that should get us through a couple days, and we have leftover pork tenderloin from this weekend as well for salads and whatnot. Just add veggies and a hearty grain!

Keeping up with Shakeology for breakfast, usually with half a banana and a tbsp of natural almond butter. My blender tried to kill me last week, new one was acquired yesterday, and broken in this morning. It's not the world's best thing, but it'll work for a while :) Having two people in the house going through it, does make a huge difference. Going to have to figure out a plan for that!

More to come, at some point ....

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I need a better routine for my blog time!!!

So I haven't checked in since Day 4 of p90x ... but I promise you, loyal followers, that I have been working my tush off!! Day 4 was Yoga, which rocked my socks. Day 5 was Legs & Back, + ab ripper. One of these days I will be able to do Ab Ripper without flopping about like a fish out of water!!! As for now ... that's what I end up looking like on some of the exercises (oblique v-ups anyone...).  Day 6 was Kenpo, which I really enjoyed. I think I'm going to get some weighted gloves between now and Saturday, as that disc isn't really conducive to a handheld weight.

Last night was Day 8 - Core Synergistics for the 2nd time. This was SO much easier without having to do the fit test ahead of time, wowza! We made it through the entire disc, only going "over" by 7 minutes - pauses to rest and recover some HR. Tonight is Cardio - wooooo!!! BRING IT!!!

Digressing from exercise to diet/nutrition .... we're still doing a lot of "winging it" on the meal plan. I'm targeting 1600-1800cal per day intake, with a 50% protein, 25% carbs, 25% fat breakdown. I'm not quite there on my percentages .... still taking in too many carbs, but I am (with some work) getting more protein into my diet. Jason is working on the 2400cal plan, and is struggling to get UP to that many "good" calories each day. He is planning to pick up some protein powder over the weekend, and is hoping to get closer to the 2400cal mark, while increasing his protein levels too.

Planning is getting easier, and measuring isn't as big of a deal as it was last week. "New" meals are still a little more time-intensive, but aren't terrible. I'm learning with every meal. Going to have to make time on Sundays to cook up a variety of chicken breasts for the week, I think. Fish is quick and easy, as are veggies and rice/quinoa.

Speaking of planning, it's time to put the turkey breast in the oven to roast! That will be dinner tonight and probably tomorrow too :)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Day 3 recap

Well now ... day 3 brought us Shoulders & Arms followed with Ab Ripper. Jason decided we should do Ab Ripper first, longest 15min of my life LOL. Lots of good ab moves, I can't wait to be able to do them all without half-assing. I think next time we will do abs after the workout, as the video assumes you are warmed up when it starts.

Shoulders & Arms was a killer. More focused on strength than we have seen so far, and I am feeling it today. Bad news ... I tweaked something in my back about 15min into the 60min workout :( It is better today, and Jason worked on it a bit last night. Maybe Yoga X will stretch it out tonight.

Ended up with under 1500cal yesterday, dinner was a much lighter calorie load than I had anticipated. I think somewhere between 1500-1800 is the right calorie intake for me at this point ... but I don't know if I am suffering too much by being on the low end. The nutrition portion of this adventure is still very wishywashy, and quite frankly is one of the bigger challenges. I dislike having the necessary time to prepare everything, BUT on the other hand, many of the recipes provided by P90X are short and sweet. More to come there, I suppose. We will probably start cooking a bunch on Sunday and portioning things out for the week. Hooray, more tupperware ....

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

P90X Day 2 recap, looking into Day 3

Yesterday was day 2 of our 90 day adventure. Day 2 of the Lean path calls for Cardio X. Holy cannoli. Good times though, we finished the workout!  Had to pause a few times to recover before moving on, as well as pause a couple times to ensure we had the sequence of moves down. My sucky little temporary heart rate monitor said I burned like 460some calories. It only has setting entries for my age and sex, doesn't know weight, height, etc, so I took it with a lump of salt. MyFitnessPal thinks it was closer to 650cal expenditure, which I am more apt to believe.

As far as food intake, I was just over 1700cal yesterday, and that felt pretty OK. I wish we could exercise earlier so I'm not having dinner at 9:30-10pm :( it's not great for the metabolism, and I just plain don't like eating that late. Might have to see about switching up the schedule after we get through this first week. I like the fact that Jason and I can push each other and assist through the exercises, but he is definitely a night person, and I am not.

Tonight! Upcoming and amazing .... Shoulders & Arms, followed by Ab Ripper!  Oh ... my ....

I hope Jason gets home early so we can start early.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

New adventure

Perhaps I should've written this post yesterday, but yesterday was a little hectic.

Jason and I have embarked on a P90X adventure. Nutrition plan, discs, workout space upstairs, everything.

We have talked here and there about how to cope with the physical consequences of our love for wine and food. Ta-daaaaaa enter P90X.

Monday, 5/7/12, was our official Day 1. Sadly, it was also the day of our Fit Test, measurements, and Before pictures. I hated yesterday with a burning passion, and dreaded it ALL DAY.

All pre-workout activities complete, we did some prep for dinner since it was getting a little late. We made up the honey-chile sauce from a recipe in the P90X nutrition guide - holy amazing! Sprinkled some seasoning on chicken boobies, popped 'em in the oven, cooked up some quinoa to the point where we could turn the heat off, and upstairs we went for DAY ONE EXERCISE.

I'll state here, and perhaps restate later, that we are on the "lean" path. More cardio, less focus on strength and power. This was 100% my doing, Jason decided to go along with it. I am hoping this will help to shed some of the excess jiggly-bits, along with the tagline of building lean muscle mass. Let's face it, I am a girl, and I don't want to be all big and bulky. I just want to be alright-looking in a swim suit when I jump into the lake or pool!

So, Day One. Core Synergetics. Due to the scheduling SNAFU, we started the disc pretty late. As a compromise, we agreed to turn it off at 9:45, wherever we were, so we would have time to recover, have dinner, and shower before hitting the hay. We made it about halfway through the workout, holy smokes. I have a better idea now of things to come, and honestly I am more excited about today's workout than yesterday's. Largely due to the fact that no one will be poking at my fat today, haha.

Couple of issues thus far ... timing sucks. Our schedules aren't really compatible with a morning workout at this point. So we are set to workout around 7pm every night. Two, I'm still dealing with issues from a forearm/wrist fracture last summer, which disallows me from doing standard push-ups with my palms on the ground. The chin-up bar we have flips down to be a nice push-up support for me, as long as I keep my elbows in - yoga style!! Those who know yoga push-ups (chaturanga) will empathize. My other modification is to do pushups on my fist. Yes, really. It's a little more forgiving since we are working out at home, so I've got a yoga mat on top of carpet - my knuckles aren't biting into a hard gym floor. Third, I'm uncertain if shoes will continue to be in my future for workouts. They seem to be beneficial for some moves (haha, in the half-video we've been through so far), and not so much in others. I think I'll keep with them until Yoga, and see how it goes.

More to come... :)!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


So .. funny story this morning. I had a Shakeology explosion in my kitchen.

Slight background: I'm traveling tomorrow, and want to take some shake mix with me. I got some little snack-sized ziploc bags and my trusty Shakeology, then proceeded to start putting one scoop of mix per bag. All was going well until I apparently hit an air pocket in the Shakeology bag, and POOF!! Choco shakeology everywhere! Up my arm, on the counter .. it wasn't pretty lol

It was, however mildly amusing.

What is mo-betta is that I have 5 days worth of shakes all portioned out and in my shaker cup, ready to go!

Speaking of shake ... methinks it's time for breakfast!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


YAY shake for breakfast!! I miss shakeology when I don't have it, even for a day. I can feel the difference in my digestion, and how I feel.

Got a bit of a late start on foods today, I didn't make my shake till about 9:50am - BAD!!! Threw it in the blender with some unsweetened almond milk and random frozen fruit (it's a mixed bag, and most pieces are covered in ice crystals).

I'm going to remake my lunch from yesterday here in a couple hours - fajita steak meat into phase 1 soup broth & veggies. There isn't any stew meat left in it, and veggies are limited, but it is still delicious. And besides! We need to clean out the fridge :)

12:00pm - snack! apple + reduced fat cheese

2:30pm - steak fajita meat + phase 1 soup broth

Monday, April 23, 2012

Remiss yet again

Last week was absolutely crazy. Stepmom was in visiting, yay! But I wasn't on my best diet-behavior, boo. Add to that, Jason had some friends in from Norway which added to the diet misbehavior.

Biggies - I got p90x ordered, and it should be here in time for us to leave to Vegas, haha. I'm going to order the recovery drink mix as well, prior to starting up. We should have plenty of time. Once we get back from Vegas, we will collect the equipment needed to get started, and do our fitness test, measurements, and before photos (gak).

Foodstuffs from Monday (writing on tuesday):
breakfast: leftover biscuit + green chile gravy, scrambled egg
snack: apple + reduced fat aged cheddar
lunch: threw some fajita meat in with leftover phase 1 stew (gonna do that again today too)
dinner: 2 pcs pizza (hangs head in shame) and 2 beers

Thursday, April 12, 2012


7:40am - I woke up hungry today! Had my shake kinda early. Mixed up with almond milk, then about 4oz of water to clean out the cup when the milk was gone.

Busy day of work ahead, while getting ready to go to Plano for an overnight trip. My boss is leaving the company, tomorrow is his last day.

10:27am - laundry is in the dryer. it is SNACK TIME!! apple + cheese :)

1:00pm - Lunch! phase 1 soup. I got a little carried away with my portion size though :( I feel it too!

3:41pm and I'm still stuffed. ugh. need more water to help flush me out!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wrapped up in the real world

It is so ridiculously easy for me to blog during the week, I'm right here at my computer for almost all of my meals (well, especially the last three weeks of overtime-hell for work). After being bogged down for so long, I refused to enter my office all weekend. I got out in the real world.

Saturday morning was eggs and potatoes and ham all scrambled together for breakfast, since we were going for a bicycle ride (woot!). Met up with some friends at Walnut Creek for a ride at 11, it was cut "short" due to one of the guys having a kidney stone come along. He'd originally planned a 12 mile route for us, and we finished with around 5.75 miles under our belts, I believe - I'll have to check my mapping program to confirm. We usually do 6.5miles or so, but Sam took us on some new paths with some SERIOUS climbs! The mapping program rated my ride about 1000cal. We had a couple of extended stops in the ride as well, good recovery zones. Saturday afternoon we chilled out, then went out for (more) mexican food and patio time for dinner.

Sunday .... Easter. Shake for breakfast, relaxed a bit, then Jason put on a ham and various other components of a boiled dinner. Fam + friends came over around 1, had lunch, chilled for a while chatting and whatnot, they left around 6. Made our spaghetti squash bake for a later dinner, watched some Game of Thrones and GCB, then called it a day.

Monday - relatively nondescript. Eggs + ham for breakfast, shake for lunch, apple for snack. Made soup (low carb) with the ham stock from Sunday.

Tuesday - also nondescript. Eggs + ham for breakfast, shake + banana for lunch, apple for snack. Leftover soup for dinner.

Wednesday - eggs + ham for breakfast (9am). apple for snack (11:30am).  delicious apple too!!! nice and firm, very juicy. then I caved and had a Lean Cuisine pizza for lunch (2:15pm). PROCESSED FOOD!!! Sheesh. I've been craving all sorts of "bad" things today. it's time to start giving the child some of this chocolate, so it won't be in the house!! I have NOT, for the record, had any chocolate today. But don't think it's not looking at me. Because it is. I did pick up more almonds at the store, as well as some carrots and mozzarella to do some "different" snacks. It is now 3:44 and I am starting to consider a small snack. I am behind on water today, I've only had a liter.

Also! Breaking News!! I signed up today to be an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. Jason was talking last night about doing P90x together, after we return from Vegas, and I've been talking with the Amazing Gretchen about becoming a coach mostly for the discount on Shakeology... but hey! Now I can get the coach pricing for P90X as well!  Can't wait to have less of me!!

4:00pm - snack of 15 almonds

6:30pm - two FRS healthy energy chews, and off to the hike&bike trail!  9 miles in 52 minutes. Not our best time, but it was a nice workout.

10:00pm - phase 1 soup for dinner, one bowl.

Friday, April 6, 2012


I'm always excited for Fridays. They signal a few remaining hours of mediocrity until the weekend. Today is especially awesome, as it is the last day of the testing that I have been working on for 3+ weeks, testing which has kept me in my office till 10 or 11 at night. Not cool /gru.

7:53am - Shake shake shake, shake shake shake, shake your breakfast!! Ok, well shake MY breakfast. Unsweetened almond milk this time - I've apparently been buying "sweetened".

10:08am - snack time. cauliflower bitesized pieces with a little aioli

Catching up on Wednesday - the rest of Friday went downhill. I had a reasonable lunch, I had an apple for a snack. Then work FINALLY wrapped up at 3:15pm and we headed to Chuy's for long overdue meximarts on the patio. And chips and crack sauce. And pancho nachos.

Got home around 7, enjoyed some more time outside with a book. Passed out on the sofa around 7:30pm, woke up for an hour or so around 10:30pm to sign some papers, then I was back out. Cold. Slept through till about 8am Saturday. It was glorious.

new post coming for the rest of my updates.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Friday's Eve

8:30am - breakfast today was the rest of the steak, and 2 eggs, all scrambled together

12:00pm - didn't even realize I missed snack. still not starving, so I will wait to eat.

1:00pm - NOW I want some foods. Apple + cheese it is. next snack / small meal will be a shake. I am so accustomed to having the shake-goodies in my system, that I can feel my belly gurgling as if saying "seriously chick? where's the goods?"

3:18pm - snack time. SHAKE!! Btw - this is the end of my FIRST bag of shakeology. 2nd is already in teh pantry :D there was a little left in the bottom of bag 1, so I just opened bag 2 and dumped it in! No point in being wasteful.

7:40pm - getting hungry, dinner not yet started. grabbed a handful of bite-sized cauliflower pieces to munch on. seems to have helped. and HOLY CROW. I apparently decided I was thirsty,  I've downed 2+ liters of water since 5pm. WOW!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


8:40am - shake time!! I've come to decide that this is my favorite time of day. I've also come to decide that I am a lazy bitch who prefers her shaker cup to the blended delights. It works out though, since I'd throw more ingredients in if I used the blender, which would be more calories that I don't necessarily need.

12:30pm - lunch. soup & salad at olive garden. since I didn't have my morning snack, I perhaps had a little more than I normally would. But it still wasn't bad, at all. one bowl of pasta fagiole (however the hell it is spelled), and most of one bowl of salad (they were TINY today).

Rebuilding on Thursday -

~4pm - apple + cheese for snack.

8:45pm - small chicken breast for dinner, with some garlic aioli

work is making me a crazy person.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


8:14am - coffee. I woke up at midnight-30 coughing up a storm, so I stumbled downstairs and popped a benadryl. Made it a challenge to get up at 630 like I wanted to. It's going to be a long day

8:20am - shake made, ready to consume. random observation... boyfriend has been talking about going gluten-free. I had wheat thins as part of a snack yesterday, and had some ill aftereffects... if I do everything else from yesterday the same except the wheat thins, would I avoid the aftereffects? I love the hell out of wheat thins. but if our bodies are not primed to process wheat/gluten efficiently, then perhaps it is best to not-to (channeling a little Mater this morning)

10:40am - snack. apple + aged white cheddar. why is this so delicious!!

1:08pm - starting to think about being hungry.

1:24pm - lunch. 2 eggs scrambled, with ~2oz steak. little bit of feta.

4:00pm - There was about 1.5oz of leftover chicken from last night, I had it for "snack" with a little bit of garlic aioli.

6:45pm - had a little bit of guac, maybe 2 tbsp, for another snack (second snack?).  Soup will likely be dinner around 8-830pm.

8:35pm - last bowl of Phase 1 Soup. More broth than anything, but it was just the right amount of food. I wasn't super hungry.

Water to finish off the night.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Monday, Monday ....

8:24am - OMG starving. time for breakfast. Almond milk + shakeology. and tea. I made iced tea for some caffeine. slightly less messy than the french press for coffee.

10:34am - snack time. hello apple! braeburn is the flavor today - the fujis did not look good at the last store outing.

12:30pm - lunch. 2 eggs, scrambled, with about 2oz of leftover steak. little bit of feta added, bad idea though - I didn't use my "normal" brand, and it had a really not-great mouth feel. I had to pick it out :(

3:11pm - snack time, I think. my tummy is a little off today. I'm having a wedge of Laughing Cow Sundried Tomato and Mozzarella, with a half-serving of Wheat Thins (8 crackers). This works out to about 130 cal if I remember correctly from MyFitnessPal. Not terrible.

4:48pm - I have a desire to snack, but i'm not hungry. I think my mouth is bored. I've tried gum, but it's not working for me. Maybe i'll have some water.

7:15pm - snack is a bloody mary

9:15pm - dinner. small chicken breast baked in italian seasoning, brussels sprouts on the side. SO SALTY. omg. i'm going to have to drink another liter tonight to offset all the salt. good flavor, but holy balls too much salt. if I can finish my food, i'm done for the night. and it may be leftovers. because .... stuft.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Saturday - shake with almond milk + ice in the shaker cup for breakfast (8:20am), then it was off for some much-needed girlifying. Hair appt 9am, followed by mani pedi. I needed a snack between hair and nails, but totally didn't plan it out, so I had to stop off. I stopped at Panera, and got a completely delicious asiago bagel with chive & onion (10:40am). Their menu had it rated ~450cal, so I had half the bagel and about a quarter of the cream cheese for my snack. Still way heavy, but I needed something and there were no other good options on my route. The other half of the bagel was snack around 1:00pm, with another quarter of the cream cheese.  2:00pm I made a salad for lunch ... spring mix, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, tomato, avocado, and yellowfin tuna. YUM.

Didn't really have an afternoon snack, the salad really filled me up. Started putting dinner (soup) together around 5:30, and we were headed to a mountain bike ride at 7:15 .. didn't have time to eat dinner before we had to head out. It wouldn't have had time to settle. I made a half PBJ around 7, so I could have some carbs and protein to get the ride going.

Ride was good - our first night ride! We took a path we are familiar with, thank the stars, because it was a completely different ballgame! our pace was a little over half what we usually do ... coupled with the perhaps minor fear of being locked in the park, we didn't dally too long. Ended up doing about 4.5 miles in  just over an hour

here was our ride

After we got back, it was time for that delicious soup! We call it Phase 1 Soup: lean stew meat, garlic, onion, bell pepper, diced tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, couple cubes of chicken bouillon, and water to balance out the fluids. One bowl for me and I was done.

I did have a couple of amazing bloody marys to accompany my dinner.

Sunday - 9:30am shake time! Pulled out the blender this time and mixed up some almond milk, shake mix, half a banana, and a few ice cubes. Simple, effective, delicious. It is 10:26am now, and I am almost finished with it. Then I will drink about .5L of tea, hello caffeine! Might make some more tea, then start in on my water for the day. There's a good bit of soup leftover, so that will probably be lunch. I am having a steak for dinner though ... been thinking about it for days.

12:00pm - apple snack

2:30pm - bowl of Phase 1 Soup

Rebuilding on Monday - 4:00pm - afternoon snack, bloody mary. 8:00pm - dinner! NY Strip (8oz), zesty zucchini + squash for side.  DELICIOUS.  Leftover steak was chopped up and put in the fridge for use in eggs this week :)

Friday, March 30, 2012

Yay Friday!!

8:00am - TEA. superfruit unity green tea to start this day.

9:00am - shake time! Breakfast of champions. I actually missed having my shake yesterday. Today we mixed with almond milk (8oz), and a couple ice cubes in the shaker cup. easy peasy, people are coming to look at the house today, and i don't want to deal with the blender. I've had enough fun dealing with trash / recycling / dishes this morning. Not to mention makeup and "real" clothes!! *shock and horror*

12:00pm - made a yoga margarita. YUM. 1 liter water, juice from 1 lime, 1 tsp salt. I used kosher salt from Penzey's.

1:00pm - i'm a bad human today. I regret it already. potstickers for lunch. my guts are already bubbling and growling lol. girls night tonight ... with baked ziti.

Posting Sunday - rebuilding Friday. I'm pretty sure I had an apple + cheese for an afternoon snack.  Dinner ended up being snacky-foods: prosciutto, manchego, crackers, mozzarella, and CHIPOTLE PESTO.  holy freaking I can't even describe how delicious it is. HEB carries it, kinda by the deli counter / cheeses depending on the store.

I did have about a liter of water while snacking at Megan's tonight, one small consolation prize.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


9:20am - breakfast today is an apple with a couple oz of cheese, and some goji berry white tea. I needed a bit of a change this morning, which means I need to have a shake mixed with water for a later snack today.

11:30am - snack - laughing cow "sundried tomato and mozzarella" cheese wedge with 1/2 serving of wheat thins

2:20pm - 6oz chicken breast with a little bit of guac

5:00pm - slice of processed cheeselike product. i was weak *hangs head in shame*

6:32pm - need a real snack. I'm pretty sure i'm a little behind on the day. may finish the other half serving of wheat thins and another wedge of cheese. that is not a terrible caloric value snack, surprisingly.

7:00pm - rioja. man, i need this. so delicious.

8:00pm - dinner - 4oz chicken, marinated & baked. half a bag of Bird's Eye brussels sprouts. however the hell they are spelled. jason had a couple more than me, but it was roughly half.

9:30pm - red table wine. yum. and water. i'm done for the night, save the rest of this glass, and water.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Dark skies made it challenging to get out of bed this morning.

7:23am - made coffee. Bad, I know. I DID cut back on the cream that went into my coffee.

8:55am - holy shitsnacks, I forgot I need breakfast. Threw together a shake in the blender with 1 C almond milk, 1 scoop Shakeology, and half a banana.  YUM!

10:52am - officially creating the daily blog post. I'm behind on my water consumption. Coffee and shake have been my morning liquids.

12:13pm - need a teeny snack, have to get test scripts reviewed before I feel OK with a lunch break :( - 2 cheese cubes.

3:04pm - back to back meetings along with doc review have kept me from lunch. and now i'm waiting on GD realtors. who were going to be here at 3pm. and another set at 3:45. Guess i'll shake up a shake for lunch. salad with albacore tuna sounded so good though :(

5:30pm - apple with a couple oz of cheese for snack. water.

10:00pm - holy crap I didn't have dinner!! small bowl of "phase 1 stew" for dinner, then water and stayed up till about 11:30 to ensure better digestion than going straight to bed.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Today began with a bang. I had a 9am dr appointment, so I thought I'd go simple and just shake my breakfast up with some water and a couple ice cubes. Shaker cup was in the actively-running dishwasher. Dammit. Really didn't want to get out the blender and make more shake than I needed (plan b). Plan C was scrambled eggs. All forks, in the dishwasher. Cool no problem, I've got plastic.

Cracked my eggs and scrambled them up with some Fox Point seasoning, then diced a little bit of ham and put it in the little skillet. Added some feta when the eggs were almost done, and voila! Delicious.

That was at 8:00am.

It is now 11:30 and I am still paying for the feta, lol. I love feta more than it loves me. It loves me better if I've been eating it somewhat regularly. C'est la vie.

Got through dr appointment and back to the house in time for snack!! I had a hardboiled egg, because it sounded like a good idea. That was about 10:45am. I'm hungry already :(

I liked this schedule so much better when my food was planned out for me!!

Oh. One more thing. I've gained 18lbs since 8/2010. That's gotta go. End of story.

11:49am - energy is waning.

12:30pm - lunch! blended up 8oz almond milk + 1 scoop shakeology + half a banana to the tune of about 280cal (estimating 50cal for the half-banana)

12:40pm - shake has an extra vitamin-y aftertaste today. blech.

1:36pm - so full.

3:15pm - starting to consider a snack, maybe in the next 45min or so.

3:35pm - sliced Fuji apple, with a little bit of aged cheddar to compliment the flavors

8:50pm - hard boiled egg. Dinner / soup is on the stove. Small bowl of that, and I should be done for the night.

10:00pm - small bowl of "Phase 1 Stew" and I'm done for the night! It was delicious :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

See, what happened was ...

We had fajitas last night.


Of delicious wonderful fajitas.

and rice :(

8:37am - I am absolutely starving this morning. Time for a shake! And I believe I'm going to go with coffee as a base this morning, to make a mocha :) I hope this turns out as well as I think it will LOL

10:45am - snack time! Half an avocado, and half a tomato. Why? because i'm out of apples and my bananas are frozen LOL Poor planning on my part. They were tasty fruits though :)

12:00pm - I'm delaying lunch till at least 12:30... hopefully. My tummy thinks it is hungry. I am trying to convince it otherwise. Holy crap, i'm behind on water intake!!! Chug chug chug ...

1:04pm - chicken fajita meat in a soft taco for lunch. Which begs the question ... at what point do fajita and soft taco cross?  And are soft tacos really just small burritos?

6:04pm - crap! I completely spaced out on afternoon snack!! I'll throw some yogurt at my belly, then have dinner around 730 or 8. (and by "throw some yogurt at my belly" I mean "eat some yogurt")

7:12pm - yogurt isn't sticking around very well.

7:30pm - lunch meal all over again!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

First real-world Sunday

Been awake about an hour, decided to shake up some Shakeology with almond milk this morning for breakfast, alongside my coffee. Now I just have to drink it lol.

It'll be an interesting day - we are going for a mountainbike ride around 1, so I need to have breakfast now, a bit of a snack around 1130, then I will carb-up for the ride at 1.

Oh - and I hate the scale. this morning it said i basically gained 5lbs yesterday. I know I didn't eat that much food! GRR!

3/28 oooooooops totally forgot to come back here for updates!!

Rebuilding Sunday -
12:00pm had a brisket sammich to pre-carb for the ride

1:05pm had a bottle of HEED, which is a simple carb mixture to give my body something to burn going into the ride

1:30pm - HIT THE TRAILS. Ride ended up being about 6.5 miles, in about 1hr 45min. Lots of cardio rest breaks, because I'm apparently out of shake LOL

3:45pm - meximart from Chuys. Crack sauce + chips. half order of steak fajitas. the crack sauce and chips were my downfall.

~8pm - chicken fajitas for dinner! pre-marinated cilantro lime chicken, grilled in the back yard. Fixins included sour cream, guac, rice, and shredded cheese

I might've also had a beer or 2.

I was bad on Sunday.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

First real-world Saturday

Woke up around 8:30 today. Scale showed that I'm down almost 7lbs from Monday, woohoo!

9:45am - Breakfast was a chopped brisket/potato/egg taco from Rudy's - we were out running errands.

12:00pm - snack/lunch was the other brisket/potato/egg taco

I was absolutely stuffed, so I didn't eat around 2.

3:30pm rolled around, time for more food! had not quite half of my chinese food leftovers (about 1/3 of the original dish)

6:00pm - time for a snack! Had the hungries. I peeled a hardboiled egg and called it snack :)  dinner should be ready around 7-730.

Doing pretty alright on water, i'm a little behind my consumption during the cleanse, but i'm doing pretty alright. I have discovered that I don't really care a lot for the water-enhancer that I was using, it is raspberry lemonade flavor. that's the first time i've actually dumped a liter of water out. I just really had no desire for the taste!  I made up some raspberry lemon mate' iced tea instead, YUM.

Friday, March 23, 2012

"The Real World" - day 1

I'm having coffee, dammit.

3 solid days without caffeine was plenty. I staved off a caffeine headache yesterday/last night.

breakfast at 8:30am, shakeology with almond milk, almond butter, fresh banana, and a little ice to cool it down. DELICIOUS.

Oh, and I totally put cream in my coffee.

just a little bit.

PS - It may be the banana ... but I love the slightly-gelatinous texture that my shake has this morning. It's doing its own shake-shake!!

/i'm really not delirious, i promise

PPS - NO MORE banana in shake. HOLY CROW I AM FULL. Ridiculously full. Like, I should've stopped halfway through and had the rest for my midmorning snack.

10:55am - I am having a couple bites of cheese for my mid-morning snack, since I essentially already had those calories.

1:42pm - need to eat lunch. it is past time.

2:30pm - finally ate lunch. mean cuisine, 300cal. will have some tea in about an hour or so.

4:05pm - brewing up some mate vana iced tea. Did you know .... matevana tea has a bit of a natural appetite suppressant?

6:00pm - need a snack! couple hrs behind. having a FEW carrots with boursin. I'm weak, i know. but carrots make me eat the boursin slower than if I was using wheat thins!

dinner was around 8:30pm - jason wanted chinese, so we got delivery. I ate about a quarter to a third of what they brought for me (shrimp + cashews + veggies in brown sauce, and some fried rice). I didn't feel "full" at the end of the meal, but I didn't eat anymore. after about 20 minutes, all the rice expanded and i was STUFFED.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 3 schedule

I suppose it is time to get started!

8:56am - green tea #1. shake is made, ready for consumption. probably in about 30min.

9:30am - shake #1, breakfast!

11:35am - snack #1, apple - SO SWEET. after being off so many processed foods for the last 2 days, this apple tastes like it is coated in sugar!

oh - and I had a scale-check around 11am, which showed that I'm down 4lbs. this week.

2:30pm - shake #2, lunch

4:00pm - green tea #2

5:20pm - snack #2, banana

7:00pm - dinner: salad with a little bit of diced ham, sauteed onions, black beans, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, avocado, a little bit of parmesan, and a bit of basil lime dressing. i'm going to be burping onions all night.

Since I didn't finish my salad last night, I made tonight's a bit smaller. I finished it all, and still felt like I might be hungry .... but after sitting for a few minutes, I don't believe that I am. I'm off to have more water, and perhaps some cranberry juice with a touch of vodka and lime.

Start of Day 3

I couldn't finish my salad last night. It was so delicious and tasty, I just couldn't do it.

My stomach doesn't feel as ... awkward? as it did yesterday, I take that for a good sign. I've already started on my water for the day, which is a habit I intend to keep even past today - the LAST day of the cleanse / kickstart. What's even better, I still have plenty of salad fixins, so I can continue to have tasty and delicious salads! At least for a couple days, haha.

I'll create a separate post for my schedule today. I'm not sure what, if anything, I will do with the schedule data, but it does help me to remember to consume everything I am supposed to consume, and helps me to figure out "just another 45min!" if it's getting near hungry-time according to my body. Yesterday WAS easier than Tuesday. To hear Gretchen, today is the worst, especially in the afternoon. She thinks I will be cursing her. I don't really see it lol.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 2 schedule

I've decided that creating ONE blog entry and updating it throughout the day is easier than writing my times and consumptions down on a piece of paper, with any hopes of keeping it handy. Here we go again!!

8:13am - green tea #1

9:23am - shake #1 (breakfast)

11:33am - half a banana (snack #1) - I am "allowed" to have the whole banana, but want to try half and see how that does for me. I haven't had as many "OMG WHY AREN'T YOU EATING" moments as yesterday, so far.

12:28pm - other half of banana (i'm still counting this as snack #1)

1:50pm - time for shake #2 (lunch)

3:40pm - time to make tea #2!
and holy smokes - I'd gotten behind on my water intake, but now i'm starting liter #3... wheeeeee!

5:40pm - shake #3 (snack #2) almost snuck past me!! Dinner will be a little later now, but that's alright!

7:45pm - dinner! salad with tomatoes, cauliflower, avocado, and 2 small artichoke heart halves.

nom freaking nom. i'm so full.


Beginning of Day 2

Well ... I did survive day 1. Pretty alright, if I may say so. I am at the start of day 2, which is green tea for pre-breakfast. My stomach feels a little ..... odd this morning. Not hungry, not angry, not indigestion, just odd. Hmm. Likely because it's had a full 180-degree shift on food intake between Monday (last day of vacation including onion rings, and amazing fettucine alfredo with broccoli for dinner) and Tuesday (shakes, green tea, and salad). This may come back to haunt me today. Not sure yet. As I go make my tea, know that there is more to come.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

End of day 1

It wasn't as bad as I thought it might be. Then again, I didn't really pay attention to what I was getting myself into till about ..... 3pm yesterday. Maybe it's better that way?

I had all my tea, shakes, snacks ... then a salad for dinner. 4oz baked chicken on spring lettuce mix, roma tomato, half avocado, and maybe a quarter cup of black beans. Some vinaigrette to top it. I was probably a little heavy on the dressing, will measure tomorrow.

And can I tell you what?!? OMG CHEWABLE FOOD.

I'm so ridiculously full now.

I've consumed 3L of water today, and just filled my bottle for a 4th. We shall see how far I go with it.

Day 1, thus far

Let's see if I can recall my schedule:

8:15am - green tea

9:00am - shake #1 (breakfast)

10:40am - apple (snack #1)

1:50pm - shake #2 (lunch)

remaining: another green tea, shake #3 as snack before or after dinner, dinner of salad with chicken or fish

oh and more water. I'm already 2L in.


the desire to snack is strong. water does not fake me out as much as I'd like it to.

Edited to add:
3:54pm - green tea #2, and the start of 3rd liter of water

5:30pm - shake #3 (snack #2)

dinner still to come!!

Well, good then.

I suck pretty well at this whole blogging-regularly thing. As if you couldn't tell.

So, over the last 3 weeks, I've been very good about having Shakeology for breakfast, a reasonable lunch, fruit and cheese snacks, and dinner hasn't been terrible.

Until this past weekend.

Now let me add a caveat that I knew going into it that I was going to be "bad". See, it's the annual mother-daughter St Patrick's Day vacation. In Arkansas. Home of fried-everything. Some meals were better than others .... and then there's the beer.

My amazing friend Gretchen offered to do a three-day Shakeology cleanse with me if I was interested, and we decided to start today - the day I return to the land of sensible eating. My diet through Thursday consists of green tea, Shakeology mixed with water, fruit optional as a snack, and salad with fish/chicken. Oh and water. LOTS of water.

I used to be really good about drinking all my water each day, to the tune of about 3L. Granted, it is much easier to do when you're in a home-office environment, because the water is *rightthere*, and the bathroom isn't a 17 mile hike. So, back to the water we go!

Now the bad news .... I have a second major-project at work, through the next 3 weeks, which requires me to do a ridiculous amount of overtime. Translation, unless I get my ass out of bed at like 6am or earlier, there is no time for physical activities during the week. And let's face it, I'm not exactly a morning person. I'm just starting the hell-weeks today, and will be playing around with my scheduling so I don't get completely burned out and make a permanent butt-print in my office chair.

More to come, friends.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dammit. Behind the ball.

Starting with the positive:
Holy SMOKES. As I texted Gretchen this morning, I am now in love with Shakeology. Yesterday was good, but not overwhelming.  This morning's recipe:
1 cup vanilla almond milk
1 tbsp almond butter
1 tsp honey
1 scoop chocolate Shakeology
~10 ice cubes


So many of the recipes provided with the shake mix are "mix with water" ... and I'm skeptical that a water-mix is a sufficient meal replacement shake. Who knows, I could be wrong. But anyway... I love the recipe from today, and will be experimenting going forward. More to come!

The penultimate frozen delight was my lunch. In an effort to stave off the hungries that typically occur an hour later, I had a hard boiled egg after I finished lunch. Doing pretty OK so far.

ALSO. I am tracking food intake on MyFitnessPal. I need to get the app reinstalled on my retarded phone, but for now I'm using the web app, and am doing pretty ok. I went "over" by about 300cal yesterday, for a total of ~1500 calories for the day.

Now for the not-so-great:
Yesterday .... no exercise time, no before pictures. Oh, and I still need a damn clothing tape measure for before measurements. But wait ... no truck. May get out on the bike when work "ends" today, or have the boyfriend go with me after he gets home.

Frickin work is ruining my schedule. Eating at my desk, working through what should be my lunch break. Just a couple more days and these deadlines should be satisfied. *sigh* I hate being behind the ball, already.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Mid-day, day 1

Breakfast went swimmingly, kept me full-feeling for quite a while! Frozen delight lunch, while delicious, has me hungry-feeling 90min later. This is not ok. Time to find a non-ridiculous snack.

Week 1, day 1. AKA "Monday"

Well good morning friends! It's time to begin this journey properly. I am starting today with my very first Shakeology shake. I even used the blender!! I am terrible at blending things - not sure why. Perhaps it's a poor order of operations, or complete lack of any sort of instruction haha. So many delicious recipes were provided with the Shakeology mix, I HAD to try one!

I wasn't able to get out this weekend and pick up any of the extras I had planned to get, due to vehicular issues, so I winged it (in true Cass fashion). One cup of milk (2% cow milk), probably about 1/3 cup frozen strawberries (with a couple pieces of peach or mango that were frozen together), one scoop chocolate Shakeology, and about 5 ice cubes. Add some blending mojo, and BAM! A shake! Triumph number one!  Now the taste test. Not too shabby ... different than previous chocolate shake mixes I've had, but then again, the composition is completely different. Added a couple more strawberry chunks, blended a touch more, then considered it a success.

Plans for the rest of today - "before" pics and some sort of exercise on lunch (about 30 minutes of something, likely Jillian Michaels today). Lunch will most likely be a "frozen delight" - Lean Cuisine type of deal. I have three left in the freezer, and don't think I'll be buying more for the duration. I'm wanting to monitor my carb intake, outside of shakes / workout supporting foods, and so many of the frozen delights are pasta-based. Yes, they're lower calories, but calories aren't everything. I'm still working out the details of my nutrition plan. I do need to go to the grocery store today, and am planning to get a turkey breast to roast in the oven and have it for lunch over a few days. Dinners will be shifting back to Spaghetti Squash Bake - very filling, very flavorful, and lots of veggies!

More to come .... (well hopefully less of me, but you know what I mean)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Time to get started

Yet another blog in the internet-universe. Why? Accountability, tracking. For what purpose? It's time to start working on me. I am physically out of shape (insert "round is a shape" joke here). I've reached the point where I can't deal with it anymore.

The goal is to use this blog to keep track of progress, perhaps workouts too. I'm not sure yet if the gory details will be tracked here - this may be more of a fitness diary. I'm sure we'll have some of my diet-changes here too. 

This is all starting thanks to my friends. I have a few friends that are on their own individual paths to better health, with their own individual reasons. Some are using "program" materials such as Shakeology or Body by Vi, some are making up their own diet plans (after research, and personal trial and error), and of course all are including at least one activity component. 

*ahem Gretchen Jilly Angelina Andrasta Joe*

I personally am starting with Shakeology, and am armed with Jillian Michaels DVDs for workouts at home. I also do have a mountain bike, and will be incorporating MTB rides as weather (and my stupid arm) allows. Beyond THAT, I just purchased a month of unlimited yoga sessions, that will likely be initiated next week. 

I'm tired of saying "tomorrow". I realize the irony of delaying my start until Monday, however Mondays are better for changes, as opposed to trying to start something healthy on the weekend when I'm so accustomed to being a bum and more loosey-goosey.