Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Well, good then.

I suck pretty well at this whole blogging-regularly thing. As if you couldn't tell.

So, over the last 3 weeks, I've been very good about having Shakeology for breakfast, a reasonable lunch, fruit and cheese snacks, and dinner hasn't been terrible.

Until this past weekend.

Now let me add a caveat that I knew going into it that I was going to be "bad". See, it's the annual mother-daughter St Patrick's Day vacation. In Arkansas. Home of fried-everything. Some meals were better than others .... and then there's the beer.

My amazing friend Gretchen offered to do a three-day Shakeology cleanse with me if I was interested, and we decided to start today - the day I return to the land of sensible eating. My diet through Thursday consists of green tea, Shakeology mixed with water, fruit optional as a snack, and salad with fish/chicken. Oh and water. LOTS of water.

I used to be really good about drinking all my water each day, to the tune of about 3L. Granted, it is much easier to do when you're in a home-office environment, because the water is *rightthere*, and the bathroom isn't a 17 mile hike. So, back to the water we go!

Now the bad news .... I have a second major-project at work, through the next 3 weeks, which requires me to do a ridiculous amount of overtime. Translation, unless I get my ass out of bed at like 6am or earlier, there is no time for physical activities during the week. And let's face it, I'm not exactly a morning person. I'm just starting the hell-weeks today, and will be playing around with my scheduling so I don't get completely burned out and make a permanent butt-print in my office chair.

More to come, friends.

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